Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The thing that made my day today.

Ok so for those of you that know me I am a huge M.J. fan, and today my friend did the funniest thing. She isn't that big of a Michael Jackson song. She was telling me that her other friend also loves M.J. and was making her listen to one of his song's. She was saying that it was the song that went I scream you scream na na na. Of course M.J. doesn't sing a song like that and if he does I have yet to hear it. So I start laughing and asked her what song? So she sings it again, I still wasn't sure so she just kept singing it. I finally figured it out after the fourth time that she sang it. She was no were close to the correct lyrics. So I just started laughing. It really made my day seem so much better. This video down here was the song she was attempting to sing. If you listen you see that no where in the song does he say I scream you scream na na na. LOL so ya not really an important post just had to share that story.

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