Sunday, January 30, 2011


So monday is my birthday 21 already can you believe it. I am working though. :( So I decided to invite my small but awesome family over for cake and pizza. Alyse showed me how to use photo shop the correct way and I decided to share some of the photos that I have already shared only better. :) Please tell me what you think. This one of Tiff on her horse is one of my favorite pictures.

I can not wait until I can get out there and do more new pictures. :) I am so excited I can't stand it. I am also going to start putting my portraits of people on discs, it seems more perfessional that way. :) Let me know what you think.


  1. They are looking great! I agree that putting clients photos on discs is definitely the way to go for them, but for your own personal use I would consider an external hard drive to store your photos on, especially if something happens to your computer. :)
    Can't wait to see more. Love ya!

  2. Susie, I can see some real improvements in both your photography style AND editing... way to go! Those are looking good! I especially love the first image and the horseback image!
