Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Here are some of my before and afters so far.

These are the after photo's I think I look tons better. I know that I still have more to loose but don't worry this is just the start. :)

I never thought that I would get down this much to be honest, it was just something to try. But I will tell you I don't really feel any thinner.


  1. You might not feel it, but honey your certainly are starting to look it. I can tell, especially in your mid section that you have lost alot. Your doing such a great job and you should be proud :) Your looking better everyday!

  2. That midsection is always the hardest! Even for me! But it looks like you're doing good!

  3. You are looking AMAZING. Its hard to keep the modivation up, but you are doing great. Before you know it you will be at your desired weight. I am so proud of you. I love you:)
